By Elayne Savage, PhD
One of the biggest stressors during the holidays comes from giving and receiving gifts:
How stressful is it for you to shop for just the 'right' present?
How disappointed do you get if the gift someone someone picked out for you is below your expectations?
Whenever I present a speaking program on expectations and disappointments, the subject of gift-giving generates lots of animated discussion. Just about everyone has a story about feeling hurt, slighted or offended.
The rejection and self-rejection messages they tell themselves go like this:
"He doesn't care about me,"
"She just doesn't 'get' me,"
"He should have guessed what I really wanted."
It's so easy to take it personally if you don't get what you hoped for. And you try
to keep the disappointment from showing on your face.
And if you are the gift-giver, do you try to read someone's reaction through their expression and body language? Do you imagine you are seeing disappointment on the face of the person you are trying so hard to please?
Or do you shop for the perfect gift for someone, spending more time and money than you really wanted to, and you receive from them a sale item at the discount store?
What do you tell yourself?
Some of us have never forgotten our childhood disappointments. When any new disappointment comes our way, it often brings up the anxiety associated with those old childhood feelings.
Each Family Has Their 'Way'
It's not surprising there are so many hurt feelings and misunderstandings about gift-giving. After all, each of us grew up in different families with different ways of giving and receiving presents.
Some us grew up with checks or gift cards. Others feel slighted when we receive this kind of gift. In our mind, not shopping means not caring.
And then there's the issue of whether to exchange a gift or not. Some of us would never think of exchanging a gift, we think we have to keep it even if we'll never use it. Taking it back to the store feels disloyal or rude. Others wouldn't hesitate to exchange the gift for something they can really use.
Disappointments Feel Like Rejection
Here are some tips for avoiding disappointment and the feelings of rejection that go along with it.
- Know what YOU want. If you don't know, how can you expect anyone else to try to figure it out.
- Don't 'hint around.' No one can read your mind. Be direct about what you want. Surprises are great as long as you can keep from getting disappointed.
- Why not offer two or three gift suggestions? OR even pick out two things you really love at your favorite store or online site. Then ask the person who will buying you a gift choose which one to
buy for you. This way you can be sure it’s a gift you want.
It even has a bit of surprise element as well because you don’t know which gift they'll choose. It’s worth having a little less surprise in order to have lots less anxiety for both of you about the gift-giving.
They’ll love you for making it easy and you get something you really want.
There are so many things that can happen during the Holidays that can easily and quickly mess up your experience. You can be criticized for your choices, intruded upon by questioning or scrutiny, manipulated (again!) into doing things you don’t really want to do, get stuck doing all the food preparation or cleanup, get caught between relatives who don’t like each other (but you love them both!), or have a friend or relative regale you (for hours!) with their depressing stories and problems.
There are things you can do to get through these differently this year. Not only that, but what you learn this year will strengthen you for next year!
You can start along the path to enjoyable Holidays by giving yourself the gift of self-appreciation , , ,
Happy Holidays and a very Happy New Year to you!
© Elayne Savage, PhD
Elayne Savage is the author of ground-breaking books published in 9 languages.
You can order books and CDs directly from my website.
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You can use the articles in 'Tips from The Queen of Rejection'®
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The attribution should include this information:
Elayne Savage, PhD is a communication coach, professional
speaker, practicing psychotherapist and author. To find out
more about her speaking programs, coaching and consultation services visit:
or call 510-540-6230
AND if you or your group can benefit from how not to take
rejection so personally, let's talk about tailoring one of my
speaking programs for you.
Contacting Elayne
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like to see addressed in this e-letter.
Here's how you can reach me:
Elayne Savage
[email protected]
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